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Color cells using keyboard shortcuts in Google Sheets

Color cells using keyboard shortcuts in Google Sheets

While working on blog advertising, I created a special spreadsheet. Contains a list of all links to articles on the blog, which I shared on various social networks (each has its own sheet). Since I do not share all links identically, on every portal I do it quite randomly, I had to mark the links that I have already shared. I decided that I would color their cells green. Every day I choose one link for each portal. I often clicked on a different color from the color palette. Because of this I began to feel tired and irritated when marking these links. Looking for a solution to my problem, I became interested in macros as in good old Excel. Just assign a macro to the button and it’s done. And this is possible in Google Sheets, but it gives us an even better opportunity, which is to connect a keyboard shortcut to the macro, which was just the perfect solution for me. Now I just need to select the appropriate cells in the worksheet, press
CTR+ALT+SHIFT+1 and the macro colors itself for me.
Below I have described step by step how to add such improvement in your spreadsheet.

  1. Open your sheets.
  2. Open the script editor from the tools menu.

    Open script editor

  3. Create function colorGreenSelectedRange.

    Create function colorGreenSelectedRange

    function colorGreenSelectedRange() {

    The function colors the active selection range from the active sheet in green.
    Save before you go back to the sheets. CTRL+S

  4. Open the macro import from the tools menu to add the function to the sheet.

    Open macros import

  5. Add function to your sheet.

    Add function colorGreenSelectedRange

  6. Open macros manager from macros in the tools menu.

    Open manage macros

  7. Set 1 as the keyboard shortcut for the macro.

    Set 1 as shortcut for macro

That’s all, now you can call the macro with the keyboard shortcut CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+1. It’s easy quick, and robust.

Word count: 306

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