Since I automated the creation of new versions of the qrcode generator electron application. I was overcome by the thought that I could do the same with my blog. Today I have found the time and finally I do not have to waste time on generating updates. :) Below you will find a detailed description of how I did it using Travis.

First, create a configuration file for Travis.


language: node_js
  - set -e
  - npm run gh-pages-deploy
  - ./

As you can see, it is extremely short, and this is because I have created additional scripts.


  "scripts": {
    "start": "hexo server --draft -p 5000",
    "clean": "hexo clean",
    "twitter-publish": "hexo twitter-publish",
    "gh-pages-deploy": "npm run gh-pages-build && npm run gh-pages-publish && hexo twitter-publish",
    "gh-pages-build": "NODE_ENV=production hexo generate --config _config.yml,_config.production.yml",
    "gh-pages-publish": "ts-node bin/gh-pages-publish",
    "test": "NODE_ENV=production hexo generate --config _config.yml"

The gh-pages-build command generates all static files in the public directory.
Then gh-pages-publish sends all changes to github pages. I do not send via hexo deploy git, because the site also has additional directories that I do not want to lose.


import * as ghpages from 'gh-pages';

ghpages.publish('public', {
  branch: 'master',
  repo: 'https://' + process.env.GH_TOKEN + '',
  dest: '.',
  add: true,
  dotfiles: true
}, function (error) {
  if (error) {

Thanks to this I also have no problem adding env GH_TOKEN, which Travis needs to send changes to github pages.

When the publication is finished, the command hexo twitter-publish is run. It automatically sends new Twitter entries as soon as the post appears publicly. If you want to know more about this module, I invite you to read the post in which I describe how to automatically publish twitter posts in hexo.

In addition, I had to create a simple script in bash that sends any changes that appeared in the files after gh-pages-deploy



set -x
# doc:

function setup_git() {
  git config --global ""
  git config --global "Travis CI"

function change_to_master_branch() {
  git stash
  git checkout master
  git pull
  git stash pop

function commit_changes() {
  git add -A
  # Create a new commit with a custom message
  # with "[skip ci]" to avoid a build loop
  # and Travis build number for reference
  git commit -m "Travis update ($TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER)" -m "[skip ci]"
  return $?

function push_changes() {
  # Add new "origin" with access token in the git URL for authentication
  git push https://${GH_TOKEN}$TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG master
  return $?




# Attempt to commit to git only if "git commit" succeeded
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
  echo "Cannot commit new version"
  exit $?

echo "Push to GitHub"

Also do chmod +x to get execute permissions.

How to add GH_TOKEN to Travis

  1. Go to Travis website with the project (for me it is
  2. Click More options in the upper right corner.
  3. Select Settings
  4. Scroll to ‘Environment Variables`
  5. Add a new entry GH_TOKEN

At the next build, Travis should add the variable itself to the environment.

PS: Travis automatically recognizes the version of the node you need to install based on the .nvmrc file. Just echo "10.15.3" > .nvmrc and Travis will take care of the rest.

That’s all, I hope that you could use my article, if you have any questions, then boldly write them in a comment, and I will try to answer them.